Saturday, September 24, 2011

Writing Your Story

Even very accomplished, currently famous people, who achieve a great deal of recognition, will be forgotten in the blink of an eye. (Watch "Jeopardy" some evening, the contestants may not remember who was Secretary of State four years ago.)

I am unaware of any ancestors who have a history book written about them. Most likely that won't happen in the future either. A few have been mentioned in a county history. A few have been mentioned in news articles. Some are recognized for military service. Some had political positions. But in the course of time even Presidents are forgotten by most people.

Our family has a nice collection of interesting folks. Most led fairly ordinary lives. Occastionaly they did/do something special or received recognition. As much as I enjoy learning about their lives, their challenges, their accomplishlishments, I also love learning about the simple memories of more recent relatives. My Aunt Lois remembers her Grandmother Poteat's Gingerbread and Sweet Potatoes. Her Grandfather Poteat liked to tell ghost stories and play checkers. My mother-in-law never forgot a birthday. My dad asked great questions.

Everyone has special stories and memories. Hopefully you are recording your stories. The sweet, the sad, the funny, the awe inspiring,and the tender stories all have a place in "your story".

If you were sitting around the table talking about your freshman year in high school, what story is always shared.... write it down. If you could see your best friend from fourth grade, what would you talk about... write it down. My most embarassing moment in junior high ... was when I slid down a dry spillway for a large pool. I tipped back on my heels and my backside. The concrete surface was rough like sandpaper; so when I got to the bottom of the grade, the back of my shorts was gone. I had to walk home through two neighborhoods with an almost bare backside.

Every life has ups and downs, choices to make and outcomes that follow. Somethings are private for now. Someday you may find a reason to share when feelings once tender have healed. Those are personal decisions. Your Story is yours to share as You choose. I encourage you to record memories that will help your family through the years.

Someone said, "A life recorded is a life twice lived."

1 comment:

  1. Chris finally showed my your blog. Wow I loved this post and look forward to having time to read more!
