Grandmother Bennett often spoke about Cherokee Springs. As a girl I pictured it as someplace far away, but it was right in Spartanburg County. My mother clipped thisr this article which appeared in the Spartanburg Herald, Thursday, September 3, 1981. John Henry Poteat, my great grand father owned it. At one time it had been landmark for the area; however, it was not in the years he owned it. The article is repeated below.
There were times when Cherokee Springs was - to borrow some 1950's ling - a boppin' place.
Mineral spring water was perceived as a natural health potion in the 1800s and the early part of this century. (1900's) Cerokee Springs had plenty of it. A hotel there attracted tourist from the North for the benefits thought to be derived from drinking the draught. The spring area was well groomed for guests and area residents and was the local point of the community.
In the summers of her youth, 79-year-onl Ruth Williams spent many hours around that meeting spot. "@e had swings in those big trees, the grass was kept cut and there was a real wide concrete walkway around the water, which was in a three-foot wide pool," she remembers.
"There was a group of young people here then. That's where we had our good times - our picnics and our fun. ......
I will post the rest later.
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