Friday, June 10, 2011

Mabel - College Graduation 1914

In April 1914, Mabel graduated from "Georgia Normal and Industrial School" in Milledgeville, GA. Today it is Georgia College and State University or just Georgia College for short. This picture of her graduating class appeared in the Atlanta Journal.

Notice the heading of the column just below and to the left regarding Women's Sufferage. Massachusetts had just passed the right to vote in their state.

Each generation lives in interesting times. It is nice to reflect on our ancestors in context of their time. I wonder what events our decendents will see as significant in our time.

Andrea and Peggy may smile when they see that "Miss Regina Pinkston" was her classmate. Miss Pinkston was my favorite teacher in high school. I had her for Geometry, Trig, and Senior English. If I had known how great she was, I would have taken Latin from her. I was told that she was certified to teach every course taught at our high school except shop.

I believe she had Macbeth memorized. I can almost hear her recite the part of the witches talking around the cauldron "double, double toil and trouble". I never had a teacher or professor who entranced me from the moment she began class until it concluded. My worst nightmare was being required to memorize a poem and reciting it in her class. My knees were literally knocking.

Year after year Miss Pinkston was chosen as the Teacher of the Year by the Valedictorian. After she retired from teaching, she wrote a comprehensive history of Meriwether County. I was told her father lived to 101 years old and walked to church every Sunday of his life. Perhaps he lived next door to his church. She was an amazing lady.

If Grandmother's education was similiar to Miss Pinkston's, I would have loved to hear her stories and experiences. Grandmother was ill from the time I was a toddler and died when I was in first grade.

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